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I remember four dreams.
It had to do with my mastercard.
Someone wanted to install a workout bench. Someone else came in and said that mixed with some type or weed or flour and all mixed up will install that bench. The other person of course laughed it up. So the first person tried to install it by following the directions and the other put all the things in a big barrel then put his mixture and mixed it all up.
It was like an enchanted place out of a Disney story. It was a big family with many children that had their friends over often. A woman who was working there tried to kill one of the girls who happened to be a child of the parents, she tried while tricking them into singing when they were coming back through a beautiful path and what looked like leaves were falling but if they would of touched someone that person would be dead. So she got fired. That girl along with a friend were out waiting for the school bus when they received a message, it was that evil woman trying to trick them into taking another bus. The girls both agreed to do it but at the last second the friend said we should be going back home and the girl agreed.
An astronaut would fall until his death in the universe (cannot remember if he [it also could of been a woman - maybe even me] was in his suit or something else that was small). Something else was following that astronaut and it was some type of switch that people back on Earth had decided to turn on once in a while so that astronaut would not feel so alone. Sometimes it was playing music sometimes something else and at the end it provided sex.
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Where is my post (when this happens we have to write something else to make the new page appear - this is so weird!!!!)?
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Angie, it's so interesting about choosing between 34th Street and 42nd Street. As Jana mentioned, getting off at 34th Street could indicate that you're hoping for a miracle--or better, are headed for one! Getting off at 42nd Street might reflect how you want more entertainment in your life and could be headed for using entertainment as a diversion as you journey on your life path. A subway is an interesting mode of travel. So different from a train or bus. But it is a type of public or commuter transportation which indicates that the path you're on is one that many people are on. A more common, mainstream path. A subway is underground which means this path is rather subconscious. It's either clandestine or, more likely, one that you're not making a conscious effort about. Look for a waking life situation that might apply to this. Could it be a spiritual path or a professional/working/career path? Hmmm.
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I'm not sure what's going on with the posts, Nancy. Must be some weird thing with the server and how the forums are set up.
And it's not that I don't like to interpret your dreams or anything but you have so many very detailed dreams that it's hard to do a line by line interp! But I do enjoy reading them quite a lot.
Overall, most of your dreams still reflect some conflict with your parents. All the images may be different but they reflect some aspect of yourself as well as your parents. It's clear that you're harboring some pent-up frustrations towards them and they you.
Are your parents (or one of them) trying to get you to "work" (work out) more? Their attempts are very mixed up.
In the enchanted Disney dream, it seems that there is someone in your life who is trying to "kill" the little girl aspect of you. Maybe she wants you to grow up or take adult steps you're not ready to take. The evil woman is trying to get the girls to take another school bus which indicates that someone wants you/they to do something differently, take a different path in life.
Your astronaut dream is interesting, too. Do you feel like this lonely, drifting astronaut who is exploring the vast universe (or does going out into the world feel like it is a large, expansive space?) Does doing so feel risky or dangerous or intimidating? In any case, you seem to have a safety rope holding onto you as you venture forth. It might be your Internet connection through which you listen to music or even more...
Last edited by Dreams-Chi; 01/31/15 02:21 PM.
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There was another post that did that too (not have the first posting of a new post appear unless another post was done), I think it has to do with the number of pages every topic has. I thought about it this morning and I think the other topic who did that also had that same amount of pages.
Thank you for interpreting my dreams!
My parents have always been the opposite. They want me inside the house doing nothing outside and barely anything inside. When I was young and started to talk about my future it was always met with frustration from them then they started immediately shutting down those dreams. They know how broken down I am thanks to what they have done to me since we moved in 2009 and they are not letting up. I am making sure that what I am doing to get back on my feet is done slowly so they do not see it. I want it to be a complete shock when they see me on my feet getting a life.
By the end of that astronaut dream I had the feeling that may be me, it was short since that's the last dream I made (was in bed for almost 9 or 10 hours by then so i fell asleep for 1 last short time) and very weird, it was like it was all over the place without the images being all over the place (i hope its easy to understand - you know like when what you see keeps on changing - that was not it but it still felt all over the place).
If that is someone who wants me to grow up or take adult steps or something like that it must be me or the people on the internet helping me. It also can be my subconscious trying to stop me from doing it, I always was good at giving up even if it is going good.
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LOL, I wasn't thinking of miracle on 34th street. That station is a hub for Grand Central Station where you can catch trains for traveling out of NYC. I thought it was funny for me to dream of the subway in any fashion - Queens in NYC was my hometown but I haven't traveled to NYC and on the subways in many years.
I'll keep you posted.
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BellaOnline Editor Chipmunk
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Thanks Lori!
I think u r right on the money!
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I remember two dreams.
All I remember is me either watching or trying to find my Hockey game and my dad from upstairs screaming that it was also in French.
I only remember the end or most of the end. I or another woman (did not look like me) was in a huge building that was haunted by an evil spirit. I or the woman was trying to make the spirit feel like I or the woman was on that spirit's side. It looked like it worked but either the spirit found out it was an act or it just did not cared because it made sure the building and everyone in it and everything and everyone around it was destroyed. The mother of the woman or my mom (her too did not look like my mom) came back as a surprise or feeling things were not going great, she ended up trapped in a huge luggage that had other things and she survived a long time trapped in it. The last thing I remember seeing was that luggage with the woman or my mom trapped in it falling down and hitting something really hard which broke the woman's or my mom's back.
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I remember four dreams.
I realised that a tooth of mine had changed place, I was freaking out and at first when I was touching it it did not move but then it started to move so I called my dentist for an urgent appointment.
I was outside naked, my parents came back and I put a towel on me. A Sears package that was mine had arrived so I went in the car in the backseat, dad was driving. Before we arrived I realised I still only had a towel on me so I asked dad to go get the package for me. He wanted me to check it before we drove back home to make sure it was working. I did it and it was working. I have no idea what it was but in my dream I knew.
I was watching a Little House in the Prairie episode. In it Pa realised Ma had cheated on him. He yelled at her then decided to leave because of the betrayal and her not showing any remorse. After he said his goodbye to his kids (only the 2 oldest were there) he went away. Ma started to dance and sing. Pa found work and he always made sure to send money back home. Ma was still doing her normal things but she was so happy. Pa's work was with explosives, when they detonated it went up in the air and became fireworks. Once it happened and the girls could see it.
It was about my four musketeers, I either put them to bed or woke them up.
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I just remembered another dream.
I finally was able to change my location on Causes.
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