The exercise of the week is Hip Circles. This will strengthen the abdominal muscles and develop back muscle
stabilization. Your core will love you.

1. Sit on the floor in a V position with your arms extended behind your body resting on the floor, fingertips facing away from the body.
2. Don't put all your body weight on your shoulders.
3. Lift your legs together at an approximate 60 degree angle to the floor. This is how your body appears to be in a V position.
4. Take a deep breath (very important) shift your hips and legs to the right side.
5. Exhale and circle your legs and hips, together, down close to the floor and to a 60 degree angle to the left side.
6. Return legs and hips to center--starting position.
7. Use your breath and core muscles to make the movement. Do not put all your body weight on your arms; nor allow your lower back to support you.
8. The entire movement is supported by the core and your focus on your breath. Inhale with the preparation and exhale as you execute the movement.
9. Do 5 circles from the right side and 5 more from the left.