Hi all, my latest article is on the Trikaya, or Three Bodies, Teachings in Tibetan Buddhism. I think this is a fascinating teaching, and as someone who works with subtle and energy body techniques and meditations, it is one I very much relate to.

I think it is also something that many Christians can relate to, as in this teaching the Buddha (or any Buddha) is discussed in the context of the 3 different 'bodies' - the nirmanakaya is the man in time and space, Siddhartha Gautama, who attained enlightenment. The sambhogakaya is the Buddha who taught, and continues to teach and represent, the dharma. And the dharmakaya is enlightenment itself, as embodied in the Buddha. This is very similar to the 3 aspects of Jesus that are discussed in some Christian theology - there is Jesus the man, Christ the 'doorway' to salvation, and Christ the 'Son of God.'

Lisa Erickson, Buddhism Editor
Buddhism Site
Teaching and Private Session Website: Enlightened Energetics
Blog: Mommy Mystic