Hi Bella Family:

LOL, I was able to get exactly ONE month of food stamps (this month) and was ever so GRATEFUL.

The sad part about the whole set up is that you have to be on some sort of welfare program or basically on the streets to qualify for additional time.

This month was for the time I WAITED to see if I qualified - thank goodness I don't have to pay it back.

Folks, this program really needs to be redone as so many folks that need it are not getting.

Thank goodness for the Salvation Army which is my "back up" since I did not get qualified. But it was so NICE being able to cook at home and really enjoyed the experience. Gives me hope that I will return to that way of living SOON!!!

What are your thoughts on this program?
Are you on food stamps - is it helping?

It seems that the more children you have, the more you get...

Okay, is the system encouraging women to keep having babies? Yikes!!!