You don't need to be a manager in order to have serious clout in your office. By becoming an office "resource" you strengthen your power within the organization.

How do you become an office resource? Ask yourself a few simple questions.
- What are you good at? If you're good at it - can you become better?
-Do you market your skills to others in the office that may need assistance? This doesn't mean be a showoff or a "know-it-all". This means you're someone that offers genuine, heartfelt, expert assistance without expecting too much in return.

Office resources become an invaluable part of the organizational structure. The "go-to" person for management - and what better way to further your career.

What skills do you possess that can get you started on the road to becoming and office resource?

Dianne Walker

Action Movie Editor
Action Movies Site

How do I relax? I run!
Grandma to Half Marathon