I wish I was able to breastfeed, but I nearly died from birth complications and post-op infection and was placed on antibiotics after the birth of my firstborn. My second baby came prematurely and could not suckle. It took weeks of sucking therapy for her to learn, and by then, my milk stopped developing plus they wanted to be able to measure how much she was drinking.
The good news is that I WAS able to nurse my third baby--at least for four months. I treasure that experience even though it wasn't easy toward the end with very painful, cracked nipples and a baby who bit!
Breastfeeding is best for the baby, regardless of saving healthcare costs. No baby that I've heard of develops an allergy to its mother's milk. Mine did when I put my son on a manufactured formula and the a soy formula. He really suffered from gastrointestinal problems, poor baby. I wish I cold have nursed him
Nature knows best.