I am going to graduate school to study. But I did not have the greatest experience in that city. The city is in Europe and I love that city but I wonder if it will be the same experience for me. should I live in that city? 4 of cups It looks like me currently doubting and contemplating my move. I am confused. what does the city holds for me? 7 of swords Nothing much based on this card. Or maybe its telling me to think sharper about this situation. how will I feel there? empress There I will feel loving and feel beautiful. will I find love? page of cups Yes I will. I will meet someone I am attracted to. will I succeed in my studies? queen of wands I will be very optimistic about my studies, and self-confident and do brilliant in my studies! Possible outcome there? hermit There I will be alone but I will very introspective, find many answers and find my true self. Would any one be willing to provide some of their thoughts here? Thanks.