Re-training track horses can be a very rewarding endeavor. Thoroughbreds, in general, are kind and good-hearted souls. However, because of the nature of the racing industry, track horses are too often rushed through their early training and are not handled with any sort of finesse. This can lead to hard to handle and dangerous animals and horses of this sort require a great deal of patience and skill to bring them back from the volatile nature of track life. Not all such project horses live happily ever after.

Today�s new article begins a series that will take you on a journey of hard-headed perseverance and the many highs and lows of the re-education of Basa � an extremely smart, beautiful but equally distressed horse. We will explore the many aspects of dealing with this mentally distorted beast and how, once I realized that she had as much to teach me as I did her, the relationship grew into one of mutual respect and understanding.

Susan Hopf
Horses and Animal Life site editor
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