BellaOnline, the "Voice of Women", is the second largest women's site in the world. BellaOnline co-exists with its network of Editors, who share their passions on different topics - for free - with people of all ages, races, and backgrounds. Our Editors work hard to write great articles, send out timely and informative newsletters, and maintain topical Forums. As BellaOnline grows into a respected, global resource for expert training and knowledge, we aim to keep our site a safe and enjoyable place for all of our visitors.

Although we are against censorship, and welcome differing opinions, our Forums do have rules for what can be posted and what cannot. We abide by the Terms of Service (TOS) that are readily found here:

Our Editors also have additional rules that are posted within the individual topic's Forum and are available at all times. Before posting in the Forums, you should read and abide by these rules. Violating the TOS can mean you receive a warning, deletion of your BellaOnline Forum account, or as a last resort you will be banned from the Forums. Users who repeatedly abuse the privilege of sharing the space we offer in our Forums may be reported to their ISP. Please contribute to our topics and interact with your fellow visitors in an appropriate way, because while we enjoy and encourage active discussion we DO NOT tolerate harassment, racism, spamming, or other deliberate attacks on others.

For this Scottish Culture Forum, as Editor I monitor and moderate user comments and postings regularly, mainly to keep postings on topic and ensure that the Forum is a safe and friendly home to ALL of my visitors. I have instituted the following rules for my Forum:

1) I reserve the right to delete or edit posts at any time, for any reason. If I delete or edit one of your posts, I will send you a private message to let you know that I've done so, and the reason why.

2) If I receive any complaints about interactions between Forum posters, I will investigate and if the situation warrants it I will contact the site administrator to intervene. Alternatively, I may choose to settle the situation myself using the guidelines you're reading now.

3) If you feel you are being harassed, have been flamed unnecessarily, see someone violating the TOS, or are otherwise being treated in an unwelcoming manner due to no fault of your own, you have the right to complain to the Forum Moderator. The situation will be investigated and resolved in a timely manner. You can find each Forum's Moderator listed at the bottom of the Forum under "Extra Information".

Basically, treat those who visit here with respect, and you will be treated with respect. We are grateful that you've chosen to visit BellaOnline and share your own passion with others and we hope that you will enjoy your time here. We welcome your feedback, comments, and suggestions.

Thank you for taking the time to read our Forum's rules.

Susan Keeping, Editor, Scottish Culture

Susan Keeping