If I had been asked this question 20, 15 or 10 years ago, I would have immediately responded with an emphatic YES. We were coming out of the Cold War, Great Britan had a female Prime Minister, and women were firmly ensconced in corporate America. What has changed in the past 10 years are the types of threats to our National Security and Safety and the source of those threats. The radical element of Islam, as I understand it, is male dominated. Many still view women as property. Knowing this mindset, I question how effective a woman as President could be with this threat source, not due to her intelligence, leadership capabilities, or other good attributes, but due to her gender. Some would say Equal Rights for women are not yet firmly established here at home. It's obvious they are not established world-wide. I feel the first responsibility of government is to protect its citizens. As much as I would love to see our Country lead by a competent and talented woman, it pains me to say this might not be the right time.