Oooooh, gracious!
Plenty, I guess, but I don't know that this is the right thread....!

I normally live in the Buddhist forum, where perhaps the words I give may be more appropriate.
Let me very quickly add here that I would never presume to suggest an adherence or conversion to Buddhism is either necessary, or attempted here. Not a bit.
I would never insult your intelligence by trying to insinuate myself in that way.
I'm merely saying that I would be able to speak more freely and in an open and unhindered way about what I have discovered for myself, and communicate with you more suitably there.
before deciding on whether to visit the Buddhist forum for a more in-depth 'chat', have a look through the threads there.
Buddhists do not preach, proselytise or seek to convince or convert. It's not our bag, and is actually frowned upon within our 'community'. so please put aside any fears you may have of any attempt to 'bring you into OUR fold'. It's not going to happen.
if you'd like to continue this discussion, let me know. we'll chat there.
How's that?