I'm writing a wedding planning ebook that will be out around December, just in time for those who are planning for a spring, summer, or fall wedding. This ebook will be packed with every aspect of wedding planning that you can think or never thought of. Stay tuned for more details!

View my blog for updates, http://weddingplanningebook.blogspot.com/. Also, you can you provide inputs for the contents of the book. Your inputs are certainly appreciated.

For those who are already married or were married and have some tips on what needs to be included, please submit your tips and requests by 14 Nov 2005. Use the blog to leave your comments or send me an email are [email]reg@forsine.com.[/email] If I need to edit any of the tiips, I'll contact you to get your final approval and permission. Please let me know of any questions and concerns you might have.

Last edited by Reg; 09/20/05 03:47 PM.