‘Halloween hassle’ is a term I heard a ‘mom gardener’ use the other day in the context of there being so much to do at this time of year for her that she was extra pushed for time. Here is an idea she has to take a few shortcuts for her family and visitors.

She has re-potted some ivy (you can use anything that cascades or is spikey) in a series of plain ceramic pots of different sizes. On the front she has used a black marker and drawn some ‘Jack o’ Lantern faces, missing teeth and all, and will place them coming down her front steps from smallest to biggest pots. In between she intends to light some candles at the right time. Coming out of the pots too she has bright spray-painted (in orange, black and white) some dry squiggly garden sticks. The affect is good, the kids helped and they don’t seem to miss the idea of carved pumpkins. They can’t wait to put them up … could this work for you?

Lestie Mulholland
Container Gardening Editor

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