Yesterday I had Rougemont fruit punch, Pepsi and Ginger Ale with one toast made with the rest of the white bread (no crusts - butter) and one toast made with Gadoua white bread (no crusts - butter and caramel), one white potato and one carrot and one white mushroom boiled then with some of the pork leftovers heated in a frying pan with some sauce, a Kinder Minion surprise, some of the pasta leftovers and one white boiled by mom potato and two white uncooked potatoes pan fried in butter and one white mushroom pan fried in the grease then an egg scrambled on it, Ruffles salt and vinegar chips, some of the pasta leftovers and white uncooked potatoes pan fried in the grease and butter.

I also took Adult Essentials complete vitamin gummies for women.