Yesterday I went to bed at 23:43 and got up at 9:32. I had trouble with Windows Defender (after my morning routine it was stuck at 53:38), deleted one link, washed the washcloths used to clean my sunglasses and changed my purse and wallet and sunglasses and keychain, listened to a new cd and changed my email address (+ avatars + quotes + picture + accounts), finally added the pictures of three received emails (1 was done another day - when explosm have too big comics or animated ones or videos i put a diffent picture as a background for that day), wrote some note (got a refund and sent that forward but could not open it), finished the plan (just changed 1 thing), got a problem with my anti viruses and spywares (it was stuck at 37%), counted my savings, did one search, watched the overtime of June 11 of Real Time, did one search, added one link, erased one note, erased three notes and deleted one picture. It was a bad night and a very bad day.