
Mom (start) = She tried to get pity three times, complained one time, gave me a look one time, ignored me one time, had an attitude one time and pushed my buttons two-hundred-fifty-four times.

Dad (start) = He tried to get pity three times and pushed my buttons seventy-four times.

Mom (middle) = She tried to get pity six times, talked to me like I was an idiot five times, interrupted me three times, whined three times, ignored me three times, complained two times, had an attitude two times, bothered me one time, teased me one time, gave me a look one time, tried to force me to do something one time and pushed my buttons six-hundred-eighty-four times.

Dad (middle) = I had to deal with dubbing two times, he freaked over nothing three times, gave me a look one time, tried to force me to do something one time and pushed my buttons six-hundred-twenty-four times.

Mom (when i was in bed) = She pushed my buttons sixty-seven times.

Dad (when i was in bed) = He pushed my buttons thirty-three times.