Hi Nancy-

I feel your frustration through the computer.

Every human being has been placed on this earth to contribute to it's (the earth's) well-being. There is not a single soul that is more important than another. That includes you.

While we contribute, we also learn. We learn to become stronger, more loving, and more compassionate. Hopefully we leave this earth with those skills.

The hardest lesson for you seems to be drowning out the opinions of others. From where I sit, I will send you loving and healing energy. Everyday, for one week, I will work on sending you strength. The energy I am sending you works beyond a shadow of doubt, but you have to want it.

You are important. You are loved. You are valued.

I ask you to pray for those that have wronged you. This prayer is simple. You are asking the Universe to give them the ability to be happy because cruelty comes from darkness and unhappiness. I know that it can be very difficult to pray for those that have made us angry, but praying for them helps lighten our load. They are mean and cruel because someone has been mean and cruel to them and they do not know any other method of survival other than to pass it on. So, let's stop the cycle with you. If you pray for them instead of retaliating or absorbing their energy, you are contributing to a process of healing for you and them.

Let's start tonight. I am sending you energy tonight. I ask that you please pray for them tonight.

Yvonnie DuBose