Your stories, links, and pictures have mesmerized me for hours. I loved the rendition of your trip when you met Bird whisperer of TsaoLing, Mr Lin. My spirit feels full when I learn of such caring people. I watched the release of the Asian Fairy Bluebird. What a beautiful bird.

Tinkerbell looks like he is having a blast on the bike. The free flying still amazes me.

The URL for Taiwanese birds doesn't seem to be working.

The quote you used fits my thoughts very well right now. How much I didn't know and what I have to learn. I could probably spend the rest of my life on your blogs and still not learn everything. "(old Zen saying that perhaps we can bear in mind, 'Do not mistake the finger pointing to the moon as the moon itself'")

I still have much to read in your links. I am enjoying the information and learning so I will keep reading smile

The mountain terrain is majestic.

You have had some wonderful mentors and I think I have found one as well smile