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Here are a couple more of Libai

There was another bird I had not mentioned earlier.
That was Oberon, a male Asian Fairy Bluebird. I had a soft spot for this kind of bird for a long time and would not have kept this kind of bird. I saw Oberon have beaten to death by a female of the same kind in a cage in a bird shop. I had to take Oberon to rehab him and let him back when he belonged, hopefully to a fairy queen who liked him

Eventually he trusted me enough to fly to me.

I kept him for about 3 months to let him regain his wings and strength.

And then he was set back into the realm of the fairy queens. I thought he would fly off into the deep forest. I was touched when he flew only to the edge and stayed there watching me.
Oberon -Returning him to the realm of Fairy Queens