Hello Everyone,

WATERING has to be at the top of the list here as one of the possible downsides of container gardening is that this has to be done at least once a day if not more often depending on where you live. So, some time-savers in connection with only watering include:

REMEMBER to do it it! I have often come across people who keep meaning to do it but lose plants because they just forget.

GROUP your containers together correctly so that those that need a weekly water get it as do those who want a daily one.

CHOOSE your watering time/s and stick to it/them - that way it becomes a habit and you just can.

BUCKET: Another time saver to do with watering is to have a bucket of water on the balcony with a small jug. Keep it filled so that you can water easily and quickly and in measured amounts - you won't have to get out and set up the water hose or pipe all the time.

XERISCAPE: or waterwise plants like succulents and cacti could be a way to go when choosing your plants for your containers. They do not need watering as often as other plants and also make for lower maintenance gardening.

CONTAINERS: Ceramic containers and pots lose water more quickly than plastic pots. Plastic pots are not always so pretty - so plant within a pot, job done!

Add your own? Great and I say thanks...

Last edited by Lestie - ContainerGardens; 11/18/12 09:15 AM.

Lestie Mulholland - Container Gardening Editor

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