You are so welcome Lestie.

I struggle with my self image every day and right now overeating. What triggers my disease is stress.

Having had to walk away from the relationship I had for the last 4 years and starting over has not been easy. But EACH day I get right back up and TRY to do better than the day before.

I am so GLAD to see that you care as too many times people do not pay attention to the signs. In my family, people are talked about - no one offers to help or listen.

I have tried to explain this to my only child, now 25 as it is sometimes a trend that continues to future generations if it is not understood and dealt with.

My addiction is food - her father's is drugs, alcohol and living on the edge. I have had to forbid her from talking about him like everyone else does in his family. It took me several years to get to the point of understanding his demons. He was there for me and her the best he could. I don't know if she understands how serious these issues can be and as I observe her each day since I am staying with her for now - I am concerned.

All I can hope is that she learns something from my life as I have been very open with her about it. Sometimes we cannot save people from themselves - only they can.

Anyway, did not mean to be so long...


Last edited by Angela J. Shirley; 09/03/12 12:57 AM.