Jilly, Jilly bo-billy,
Banana-fana fo-filly

The rules of the original Name Game song are:

A verse can be created for any name, with X as the name and Y as the name without the first consonant sound (if it begins with a consonant), as follows:

(X), (X), bo-b (Y)
Banana-fana fo-f (Y)
Mee-Mi-mo-m (Y)

If the name starts with a vowel or vowel sound, the "b" "f" or "m" is inserted in front of the name. And if the name starts with a b, f, or m, that sound simply is not repeated. (For example: Billy becomes "Billy Billy bo-illy"; Fred becomes "banana fana fo-red"; Marsha becomes "mee mi mo-arsha".)

So, how would we do Beetle, or Burt?

Walk in Peace and Harmony.
Phyllis Doyle Burns
Avatar: Fair Helena by Rackham, Public Domain