Just a warning...I'm in a bad mood, so, I'm going to let it all out for you lucky people to read:

I just got back from my yearly exam with my lady-parts doctor. Every year, I chicken out and tell her "not this year" when she asks me about when I will be having children. This year, I decided to be brave and tell her that hubby and I are child free by choice...that way, she wouldn't waste her time discussing my age and fertility yet again. Big mistake. Her demeanor changed immediately...she started angerly lecturing me about what a gift children are and how after the age of 50 "there is nothing left for you. life is nothing anymore unless you have grandchildren". and how when your baby says "momma" for the first time it is the greatest gift ever...then went onto some lecture about how god will help me make it through the tough times if that is what I am afraid of. Every time I tried to get a word in, she would say "No! Let me finish!" Then, after this lecture, she says "I am not going to refill your birth control pills. Think hard about having children for 3 months, then come back and we will discuss methods that are easier on your fertility." When I asked her what I should do in the mean time, she recommended the rhythm method...that's how my friend got pregnant...I told my husband when I got home (after I cried for a long half hour...anyone who knows me knows I don't cry for anything) and he said "The rhythm method!?! This b*ch wants to get you pregnant." Where did all of the professional doctors go? And why were they replaced with bible beating, baby loving lunatics?