I had always wanted a big historical huge house. We bought one in South Dakota. I deeply regret it now for many reasons. One is that it runs on two furnaces, very expensive. After my last surgery we moved downstairs to the other side of the house, today we moved back upstairs. It was just too much expense so we closed down the other side. Two, its very hard to clean. Spring cleaning takes forever. Three, I had bought it with an extended family in mind. My daughter, her husband, and children lived here for quite sometime. They recently bought there own, old big historical (they use that term-just means old, hard to maintain and things break). I took care of my mother-in-law for about five years. My own health kept me from doing that anymore. Now it is just George and I rambling in this old house. The other day he was looking for me. With two stair cases we literally missed each other for about an hour. I long for a small house again. So, in answer to your question, YES!