-Lose 5 lbs
Why? To move toward my perfect weight
Goal? My ideal weight, good health, strength and vitality.
Obstacles? I don't want to diet, I don't want to exercise shocked
Overcome Obstacles? Change my way of thinking - eating healthy is a reward in itself. And shows that I honor and respect my body.
Celebrate with? A hike with some friends in Idyllwild.

-Write song in honor of my friend James
Why? To perform at his memorial
Goal? A beautiful song to honor his spirit and playfulness
Obstacles? None so far
Celebrate with? Live performance

-Write Inspiration Site Article
Why? It's my life!
Goal? To get weekly, original content posted, grow readership
Obstacles? Can't think of something!
Overcome obstacles? Yes... ummm... Write book review!
Celebrate with? pure happiness

-Write Dreams Site Article
Why? It's my life!
Goal? To get weekly, original content posted, grow readership
Obstacles? Family stuff - I've already got my topic outlined
Overcome obstacles? Yes, take care of family stuff first - they'll have to go to bed eventually LOL!
Celebrate with? pure happiness!

-Get ready for my writer's retreat
Why? So I'm prepared to do some writing for a couple of days
Goal? To be prepared so I can have a blast
Obstacles? Planning and organization
Overcome obstacles? Write out a plan and start packing
Celebrate with? Some local BellaOnline editors! Wooo Hooo!

Deanna Joseph

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