Conni, I'm so jealous! Just once, can I please have a symbolic dream? It doesn't have to be as pretty and special as yours, plain would be fine:-)

My thoughts - you are trusted by the Old Ones with something very precious to be passed on. Eagle feathers are earned, even if they are only held for a moment and then shared. They represent purity and courage, worthiness. It seems you are both trusted and entrusted by the Ancestors. You must have received their faith and permission.

I don't know anything about numbers in dreams, but had two things come to mind.

12 is divisable by 4 and 3.
4 being sacred to Native Americans, i.e. the 4 directions
3 to Christians, the Holy Trinity.

or perhaps it's the simpler, 12 months.

Jane Winkler, Editor
Native American Site
Avatar: Feather Dance Bustle - Men's Regalia