I'm sorry if my reply came off as more preachy than supportive - that is not what I intended.

I did misunderstand when you said "I'm scared it'll happen and I'll miscarry again"- I thought you meant you were worried about the miscarriage part, now I realize you were worried about both parts.

The main thing I was trying to say before is that losing a baby so early in the pregnancy is extremely common and there is not always an answer for it - which means really it is no one's fault. And moderate alcohol consumption during those first few weeks (when so many women do NOT know they are pregnant) does not seem to have any major ill effects on a baby.

I do still recommend to you talking about this with your gynecologist, though. Since you are on birht control, you are obviously getting yearly exams. This is the BEST person to help you set your fears aside both now and in the future when you are ready to try again.

Michelle Taylor
Marriage Editor