hi Lala,

Good to see you are still here at Bella!

Well, i have had a huge falling out with a friend of 25 years, they have done something unethical, and i'm seriously wondering if they are a healthy person to be around and if i need to let that contact go. So i am really sad today.

So i have decided i especially need today to have things to look forward to, and to rebalance my focus, and be around people who are healthy to be around. I need things to "refill my spirit."


I'm looking forward to building a fire in the fireplace, and i'm calling up friends to see if they can come over. No takers, yet, but it will probably happen.

And i need other things to look forward to... let's see... my coffee! Brewing a pot now.

And what i most want in my life is love, so what might i do today for that? hm. I'll think on that.

And i'm looking forward to working on some things today and moving ahead. smile