The question for the new topic "what is the significance between the different types of cholesterol?"

Some would say that most of what tastes good is bad for you, thus the bad cholesterol...which comes from rich, fatty, fried, foods made with stuff from animals instead of plants (like candy, donuts, biscuits, gravy, fried chicken, french fries, apple pie ala mode, ice cream sundaes, excessive dairy products.

The bad cholesterol is LDL and Normal is <100 and High Risk is > 190, so intermediate is between 130 - 189, obviously the lower the better.

Other foods tastes good, are good for you AND have GOOD fresh fruits, nuts, lean meats, whole wheat bread, skim milk, yogurt, green, yellow and red vegetables and beans, things that are grown in the ground.

Good cholesterol HDL should be >40 for Normal and High Risk would be <40.

Triglycerides should be <150. Your total cholesterol is supposed to be <200 for Normal with High Risk >240.
