Sour Grapes is fast paced movie about a multi-million dollar scam in rare old wines, and how a tenacious band of wine lovers turned sleuths to reveal the truth.

I watched it in amazement as people paying the price of a luxury car for one wine bottle didn't even (metaphorically) 'kick the tyres'.

Rudy Kurniawan, a personable young man, joined a community of rich wine collectors then scammed them for hundreds of millions with wines he’d mixed in his kitchen sink and fake labels designed and printed on his home computer. It took a tenacious band of wine lovers and producers turned sleuths to reveal that not only were Kurniawan’s wines fakes but so was he.

Sour Grapes - Movie Review

Last edited by Peter - Wine; 08/22/16 01:45 AM.

Peter F May, Wine Editor
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