
There are times when I am stressed out or trying to work through a complex problem. With Attention Deficit Disorder, either of those things can be difficult. I need an adult fidget. I want something that allows me to fidget and also hook into my creativity. Coloring a mandala does that for me!

Finding Focus with Color
Did you have time to color today?
Posted By: Angie Re: Finding Focus with Color - 03/19/17 04:53 PM
We went to breakfast with my family today - my grandson who is 7 and ADHD, or whatever it is, and he was coloring. The waitress gave him crayons and a coloring page but the table had brown paper and he began drawing lines, triangles, squares, circles, rhombus, rectangles, coloring them in, and writing the words to go with them. It kept him occupied for about 20 minutes.

That sounds lovely! Isn't that better than saying, "Sit still!" a bazillion times? Why don't you make a restaurant packet for him. Include a pack of colors, some plain paper, and a couple of coloring sheets (just in case) that he might like. You could also include a small book.

It sounds like your grandson is a bright little guy who has a keen interest in maths. You could do a project with him. Make some math ropes. For a twos rope, tie a knot at the end of the rope. Add 2 beads, tie two knots, add two more beads, tie two more knots, until you get 20 beads on there, or 10 x 2. Do this with 3s, too. A knot, 3 beads, two knots, etc. Continue until there are 10 sets of 3 beads each. I would do this up to 5 for now. Continue on until the 10s this summer. Have him compare the lengths of the ropes. If you fold the 4 rope in half, is it exactly the same size as the 2 rope? Why or why not? (I could have written, "Why or why knot?" If he is curious about math, stoke that curiousity. You might also google "The Futures Channel" and "Vi Hart" for more math fun.

Folks with ADD have minds that prowl. Too often we just ask them to follow the well-worn path. Sometimes it is fun to strike out and see what you can see! Enjoy your little bundle of energy!
Posted By: Angie Re: Finding Focus with Color - 03/19/17 05:47 PM
LOL, the three year old loves to string beads and buttons; I might try the ropes with him a well.
Cool beans! Here's a fun project for somebody who loves to draw geometric shapes.
*Give them a piece of cardboard-white is preferred.
*Have them draw a bunch of geometric shapes all over the cardboard. It is a design, so they can place the shapes in areas that please them.
*Draw straight lines connecting the shapes.
*Go over all of the drawn lines with Elmer's glue-the squeeze kind.
*Let the glue dry, then go over it again. Let it dry. Try to stay on the lines.
*Use acrylic paint and paint the whole thing black. Let it dry.
*Get a natural sponge and dab copper, gold, or silver paint on the black. There should be some thin areas and some thick areas. Let it dry. The result will look a lot like hammered metal with the cool raised designs in it.

Remember acrylic paint does not come out of fabric very well. Be sure to wash the sponge completely, until water runs clear. right after its use.
This week, I was experiencing a lot of stress. I colored for half an hour, and the stress was gone. Poof!
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