
When you have ADD, you are more creative. However, the trade-off is that disorganization can take precious time from you. That is time that you could spend doing activities that you really want to do. There is a way to take back your time. Make lists to help you accomplish your daily goals.

Use Lists for Organizing with ADD
We went through our lists today!
Tomorrow morning I make my list for the week. What will you put on your list?
I have a list with more than 10 items on it. Will they all get done? Probably not. I don't feel defeated if I don't get through the list; I need the longer list to push me to finish projects.
I have my list for tomorrow. What's on your list?
My list for tomorrow.

Clean kitchen
Play with birds
Dr. appointment #1.
Dr. appointment #2
Straighten living room
Dr. appointment by phone
Nurse visit
Finish chicken broth (homemade from chicken bones)
Start beef bone broth.

Having written this down,it is a lot more likely to get done.
My list worked for me!
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