Bored? Try some of these ideas!

101 Ways to Fight Boredom with ADD
What is your favorite way to chase boredom away? Now, your turn!
What are your top 10 ways to get rid of boredom?
I love to write. When I research, write, edit, revise and publish, I am totally engaged.
Walking outdoors and seeing what is new in nature is a great boredom fighter.
I was interviewing for a job recently, and it was mentioned by the interviewer about how busy that I am. That's true. I would much rather be busy doing work that I think is important than sitting around being bored.

I once read in a Heinlein novel that happiness is being busy doing work that a person feels is important. It's different work for every person. I think that this is so true.
Here are some reasons that I am never bored!
Read, write, dance, meditate, garden, spend time with friends, get a second job, and play with your pets.
Let's shake off the mid-winter blues! Here are some good ways to put an end to boredom.

101 Ways to Fight Boredom with ADD
Keeping busy doing important work is a great way to fight boredom. Find a job or avocation that is worth investing your time. Then, work hard. Amazing! Boredom disappears like magic.
Do some intense physical activity. Make sure that it's something that you enjoy!
Get a Kindle. It's an adult toy!
Do you have a favorite Kindle story to share?
Download music onto a Kindle!
Do I seem obsessed with KINDLE? My husband bought me one for my birthday. What a great toy for a gal with ADD!
Posted By: Styxx Re: 101 Ways to Fight Boredom with ADD - 02/09/16 12:28 PM
I don't have ADD but this article certainly helped a lot. Thanks, Connie! laugh

DIY Enthusiast
Styxx, thanks for the kind comments. I have trouble understanding boredom. The world is an interesting place, and I am NEVER bored...too much to do and to little time to do it!
Posted By: Styxx Re: 101 Ways to Fight Boredom with ADD - 02/14/16 12:47 PM
Connie, you're very welcome. Boredom is the worst when you're alone in the house like I am sometimes. I get your point laugh


Styxx, believe it or not, I don't get bored when I am home alone. There is always something to catch my imagination. Sometimes, I have to search a bit to find it.
What's your favorite way to fight boredom?
Cook with your kids!
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