My children did not come with instructions. I never knew that I would have to learn so much about the educational system to be an effective parent for them.

Parenting is one of those jobs that have a long, steep learning curve. You need to balance what children want with what they need. Children with Attention Deficit Disorder have all of the same needs as other children. However, children with ADD/ADHD also need strong parental advocates.

Parenting Children with Attention Deficit Disorder
My oldest son has ADHD and as he grew up, I was always trying to find new ways to help him. He is extremely smart so the educational aspect for me was trying to find teachers that would or could teach him on his level. He was in advanced classes and at times he was smarter than the teacher. He was never destructive or loud in class but when he was done with his work he would quietly get up and go to the reading carpet and sit and read. The other kids wanted to join him but still had classwork to do so the teachers and I agreed that he would be allowed to go to the library when he was done with his classwork so the other kids could finish their work. My youngest son has ADD and he was the opposite, needed more help and going to a learning disability class for some of his subjects. He is also dyslexic. So having two different learners I was always trying to figure out fun ways for both of them to learn. Now they are grown at almost 21 and almost 19 they still remember the unique ways, and the arguing with teachers, to help them learn on their right level. It's a wonder I have any hair left smile Always stay active in your childrens lives and their education as it is so important for their future.
Amen, Karen! Thank you so much for posting this thoughtful message.

You are certainly that strong advocate that I was talking about. Many children with ADD are extremely bright. Some of those bright kids have learning disabilities like dyslexia (reading) or dysgraphia (writing.) Those are two problems that are frequently seen in people with ADD. Adults often don't think of how frustrating that it is to know what is going on, but not to be able to express it in the same ways as the child's peers. Maybe the student can't read well, but he has terrific auditory comprehension and can process and synthesize information at a high level. These students often shut down. School is painful, and they get tired of dealing with the pain. I am so glad for your sons that they had you to be there for them.

You both are indeed strong and amazing parents, Raising kids with ADHD/ADD is not that easy, but you made it. I have a friend who has a son with ADHD, I saw very well how she struggle to raised him. One alternative treatment for ADHD I suggested her from what I have read through internet is sending her son to a therapeutic boarding school. It could be a difficult decision for her at first because it's not easy for parents like us to be physically separated with our children, however the benefits often far outweigh the anxiety of separation. Now her son is doing well in a therapeutic boarding schools therapeutic boarding schools. She often come to visit.

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Thanks for the kind words, loriepark! I also teach children with ADD/ADHD. It is not always easy, but it is incredibly rewarding.

I have had two different friends who sent their sons to boarding school, too. Each boy did very well away at boarding school. For some parents and children it is a godsend. It's not something that I've ever seen addressed here. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.

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