Posted By: svv NO to Moss Greene's View on Noni - 07/23/07 01:36 PM
Yikes--I just spent fifteen minutes registering and whatnot just to warn your readers not to take an article I came across by Moss Greene as fact. The article is about the benefits of Noni, and trust me, her research is faulty and prejudiced. Noni juice (as recommended by my homeopathic vet) repaired much of my cat's nerve damage when she was hit by a car. Better yet, don't trust me, and just do your own research. Start with a store like Whole Foods, and move on to homeopathic and alternative doctors in your area. I was appalled at Greene's glib attitude toward something she obviously knows nothing about. Good Luck, and attn: BellaOnline: find a new writer, one who is not so cock-sure of herself that she is not even open to alternative remedies.
Thanks for taking the time to comment, but you�re not the first Noni Juice supporter to accuse me of ignorance, stupidity, slip-shod research (or the complete lack of) and worse when it comes to reporting on Noni juice.

I�ve had many people � distributors and consumers alike - throw all sorts of alleged studies back in my face AND assume I hadn't already seen them all. I assure you I�ve seen all the studies. I�ve read all the studies. I�ve followed up on the citations and footnotes. And I�ve checked on the author�s affiliations. I�ve done more digging and research on the facts than the makers of Noni would like me to do.

I always ask people who defend Noni some basic questions. Have you actually read these alleged studies (not someone�s review of the study)? Do you know the difference between peer reviewed and non-peer reviewed science and what it means? Do you even know how to check whether a journal or article is peer reviewed? Just because the Noni company and distributors bandy about words like peer review doesn't make it so.

Like I said, I�ve followed up on all the alleged studies. I double checked the journals. I know that some �study� that claims Noni juice has some positive effect on fruit flies (drosophilae) doesn't equate to beneficial health properties in humans and proves NOTHING about Noni�s benefits to human nutrition (this is one of the studies that are often quoted to me).

The Morinda Citrifolia plant was mainly used by natives for unproven medicinal properties (folk medicine). They would use the leaves and bark as a poultice or for the relief of bowel disorders, but the smelly, bitter fruit was avoided by natives and seldom eaten on any regular basis. I know that the majority of the Noni juice products are 97% sugar (to overcome the natural bitterness of the fruit) and that the only person that's ever found xeronine is the guy who created the first juice product.

I�ve been barraged by hundreds of gullible Noni distributors and consumers with the same alleged studies over and over and it�s quite obvious to me that they seldom if ever read the alleged studies themselves.

I�ve pointed out time and time again to anyone who will listen that the only peer reviewed journal to have published a Noni article was followed by a tell-tale disclaimer (something that you�d only find if YOU did as thorough research as I�ve done or even read what was being fed to you). In the footnotes of an �article� published in Cancer Research 61, 5749-5756, August 1, 2001 was the following statement:

(AND I QUOTE) "The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked advertisement in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact.�

And what this proves, besides the great lengths Noni manufacturers will go to market their product with fake science, is how you people, who accuse me of ignorance and faulty research, do not even read these things. You see a list of alleged studies and you fall in line like sheep to the slaughter. What you put into your (or your cat's) body is none of my business, but I will continue to expose frauds, charlatans, crooks and snake oils.

Often times when I point this fake study out to Noni people they invariably say something like, �Yeah, but Noni is listed in the Physician�s Desk Reference.� So what!? What does this prove? NOTHING! Again, it's just a well placed, paid-for advertisement.

It's not uncommon when people cannot refute the message to get defensive and attack the messenger. That's OK with me. And if you � or any Noni user I�ve ever offended - could be less defensive and more open to what I have to offer, you just might find the optimal health I suspect you're looking for.

I will not rescind anything I've said about Noni. And despite what many doctors, including Dr. Solomon, have said anytime before or after my articles were published, in your adoration of Noni you neglect the fact that Dr. Solomon, and many of the other doctors, work for the companies who make this stuff or are distributors of the product itself - I hardly call that impartial.

They have a financial stake in the company; therefore anything they say about Noni is suspect. I've seen Dr. Solomon�s alleged "studies" and what many Noni people fail to notice is that they are subjective and anecdotal - and despite what you're sold about them, they are NOT scientific!

Have you seen the disclaimer you have to agree to before you can see the Tahitian Noni Int�l (TNI) research website? It's the biggest CMA (cover my a**) I've ever seen. Essentially you're agreeing that you will not use this research for any commercial use (i.e. selling the Noni products which thousands of TNI distributors do) AND you will not hold TNI accountable for any lack of results you get that may be promised by this fake research.

If you are truly into nutrition, then you should understand that there is nothing "nutritional" about Noni. It contains only fractions of the nutrients your body needs daily. For example, it only has 6.02 mg of vitamin C, .147 mg of Niacin, .097 mcg of B12, 5.88 IU of vitamin A and no vitamin D per 1 serving (just to name a few). At this rate you'd have to drink between 1 1/2 to 21 1/2 quarts of Noni a day just to get the MINIMUM of what your body needs nutritionally.

One of Dr. Solomon�s websites claims that "Noni Juice contains 17 of the 20 known amino acids, including all 9 essential amino acids." (emphasis his) Despite the fact that his numbers are off, there are 22 amino acids for adults (23 for children) and 8 essential amino acids, there�s virtually NO protein in Noni juice. Independent analysis of Noni found that it has only .06 grams of protein per serving. I'd hardly call this "rich in amino acids!" You would have to consume about 300 servings a day just to get 1/3 of your daily protein requirements! BUT, the marketers at Noni know that most of you don't know this information and wouldn't even check to see how many "known amino acids" there are.

Will McClatchey, an ethnobotanist at the Univ. of Hawaii, has said, "I've studied it [noni] for years and found nothing." But Tahitian Noni Int'l says that Noni Juice contains something called xeronine. To which McClatchey replies "It's bogus, it's made-up words. I'll stake my reputation on it." Besides, do you know anyone who's ever died of a deficiency of xeronine?

What is has is sugar. Look on the label: concentrated fruit juices (they aren't there for any nutritional value - they're there to mask the bitter taste of the Noni fruit). You can go to your grocery store and find fruit juices with equal or better nutritional profiles than Noni at a fraction of the cost. Do your homework!

I could go on all day, but I'm sure you have other things to do. One last thing though and that is recently, two "peer reviewed" studies that appeared in the European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (2005;17:445-7) and the World Journal of Gastroenterology (2005;11:4758-60), have linked Noni juice to liver problems and liver toxicity. I'm sure the Noni companies are not going to tell you about this research.

I'm done! There is no need for you to reply unless you are interested in improving your health through other alternative and natural nutritional methods. And there's no defensive retort about Noni that I haven't already heard, so you can save your breath.

Be clear about something � your health is your responsibility and what you put into your body is completely up to you! And it doesn't make any difference to me if other people claim they've gotten results - people say they feel better on cocaine, but that doesn't mean it's good for you.

Besides, I've heard from more people that have thanked me for exposing Noni juice and have reported negative side effects than those who attack me personally and sing the praises of the stuff. So, you do what you want. Drink Noni juice if it makes you feel better, but I wouldn't give up eating fruit and veggies or cancel my health insurance if I were you!

To your health,
Posted By: joanj Re: NO to Moss Greene's View on Noni - 08/04/07 01:49 AM
Thanks Moss, for your great reply!

I think many people are looking for short cuts - most of which are very expensive! A good basic diet, rich in fruits and veggies and giving up the sugar and processed foods would go a long way to good health.
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