Posted By: purselady Recycle - 10/26/06 06:19 AM
I like recycling and I do it where I live. But in many cities I have found no recycling facility. How recycling is organized? Is it started by local authorities or private citizens? How can one start this in a neighbourhood?

Posted By: Jilly Re: Recycle - 10/26/06 11:56 PM
this is a very good question, and the answer is that is has happened both ways. If anyone needs to get recycling going in their area, I would try both tactics - see if your municipality is willing to initiate a program first. They really should be doing this on some level already. And then organize the local community if the city isn't interested. Most garbage collection centers have some kind of recycling diversion going on, or know of area recyclers. The recyclers would be a great resource for local citizens to gather around, so to speak. All that is needed then are people willing to gather and transport the recyclables. it's not easy but it can be done. This is what we did in my small town when i went to college.

Also, for things that are merely reusable, this can start right at home, by getting rid of things for free on or via one of the Freecycle sites.
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