Hey guys,

Every now and then i like to touch bases and get your feedback on how I'm doing and if I'm going in the right direction for you.

Just so you understand what I'm doing and why I'm doing it this way, let me explain the methods to my madness.

The reason I drill down on the principles that I use is in order to establish the working foundation of how I approach vegetarian cuisine. I figured if I just went into a bunch of recipes then that's all they'd be; a bunch of recipes. Quite frankly... you could get that anywhere. My goal is to demystify my cooking processes for you so you can connect to the 'Whys' behind great tasting, healthy.

My aim is not to have you stuck, but to turn on the light inside the food world so you can take the concepts I use to innovate your own signature dishes. If I explain my principles to you properly, where you can relate and internalize them, then you can use them to create your own recipes or look at the recipes I create and say, "Hmmm... That sounds great, but I want a different feel, so let me tweak the recipe this way." and come up with a completely unique interpretation of that and any other recipe you see for that matter.

So for those of you who maybe afraid of getting in the kitchen... I want to remove that fear from you; and for those of you who are tied to having to use a recipe or you're dead in the water... I want to show you how to cook recipe-free just utilizing the concepts that you get under your belt at the Vegetarian Site.

One more thing...

I forgot to even ask you all if you thought it a good idea for me to produce food segments/videos for you to be able to watch the processes I go over with you. So... What do you think?

Are you getting what you need here?
Should I produce the food videos to give you visuals of what I'm talking about?
Am I doing a Great job?
Are you learning great things here at the Vegetarian Site?
Is there anything missing that you'd like to see?

Do me a favor and fill out this poll and let me know how I can best serve your needs.
You know how we are, it's never enough. If you intend to get any sleep at all, then you don't have enough time to tell us everything we want to know. Seriously, we are really enjoying what you're doing on the site and in this forum.

I'm thinking about Thanksgiving and wondering what you cook? Do you go the traditional route and just substitute for the turkey and giblet gravy? Would love to hear what you have in mind this year. Of course, if you already have plans to write about this closer to Thanksgiving, I'll be patient. If it isn't on your agenda, would you think about sharing your thoughts about Thanksgiving food with us?
Thanks Marilyn,

I am in fact working on the holiday series now. I started out with the veggie holiday troubleshooting article to prepare you for the season. Check it out and let me know what you think. I've got 'my' plans for it, but I want to make sure that my plans suit your needs.

So post me a note and I'll see how close I can hit the mark for you.

P.S. In answer to your question the things I cook for thanksgiving fall into both traditional and progressive categories. All of my family aren't vegetarian so at that time of year pretty much everything goes and everyone who eats meat will cook up their favorite things with our signature spice blend and I'll put together the rest or, depending on who's turn it is to be spotlighted, they'll do it. This year I'll do my signature dishes [all veg] like: my sweet potato jubilee; potato salad; banana leaf cornbread; greens; lasagna; glazed meat balls; garlic bread; garlic mashed potatoes; egg-less salad; meat loaf; pumpkin ice cream w/ a hot fruit sauce topping; stuffing; cranberry sauce; stuffed squash, tomatoes, peppers and greens.

I haven't tried the tofurky, but my niece says that she's tasted some of their products and that they're pretty good, so I'll check them out and let you know. [More than likely, I'll play with the seasoning and maybe add a glaze to it... we'll see.] wink
WOW! Hey! Everybody -- join us for Thanksgiving dinner at Jason's! hahahaha! Just kidding! smile What a terrific menu!
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