Posted By: Rosie52 Young generations respect toward Seniors - 12/28/06 02:46 PM
Is it just me or has anyone else noticed the lack of respect our younger generation shows towards seniors? It infuriates me that our younger generation is taught no respect in their treatment of seniors. What are your thoughts? Have you witnessed or been a victim to this type of behavior?
Posted By: Lynn_B Re: Young generations respect toward Seniors - 12/28/06 03:02 PM
My experience tells me that the value our youth place on their elders varies tremendously by region, by culture/ethnicity, by social standing, etc. The values of the current generation were molded based on the exemplars provided by their parents (and their parents before them, etc., etc.). For the current generation to value the prior, the prior would have had to model the behavior for the current at some point during their social development.
There in our city we also experience a similar scenario with regards to respect to elders.

Children now a days forgot how to respect and value their grandparents and even their parents and older siblings.

I guess one factor is the television and internet that sometimes create a negative impression on these young children.

I agree with what Lyn said, adults should be the role model for these kids. They should also show respect to people older than them so that children seeing this might know the value of respect towards elders.
Posted By: Lynn_B Re: Young generations respect toward Seniors - 12/28/06 05:37 PM
If this topic interests you, you might look up Tom Cole's The Journey of Life : A Cultural History of Aging in America. Cole is a researcher with the University of Texas and has studied U.S. attitudes towards aging and the elderly. Its an academic text and slightly dry reading; but, an interesting commentary on American attitudes.
I don't feel exactly "older", I am 55, but as I remember my teen years that didn't seem too young! I am disabled, and I have experienced a number of young people being willing to help me - whether it is to open a door or help to carry packages. Some of them are in hugely baggy pants, nearly bald heads, and tatoos; looks usually identified with gangs.

The difference is, I think, that I look at them and say "hello", with no judgement, an openness to being accepting of them as they are. They, in turn, see me as I am - needing help - and more than not - give that help with an attitude of respect. I believe they feel they were given respect, and return what was given to them.
Posted By: Ruthy Re: Young generations respect toward Seniors - 03/30/08 04:22 PM
I haven't run into this problem personally...but I have seen it happen to others and it makes me cringe to think those children were not taught better.
Posted By: "Rosie" Re: Young generations respect toward Seniors - 03/30/08 04:55 PM
I some time use public transportation, (the bus) i have seen high school kids refuse to give up seats for older people. even though there sitting in the seats marked for elderly n handicap. i have witness verbal abuse against bus drivers, total lack of respect for other teens that do give up there seats for other people. its a shame
Respect begins at home! If we aren't respecting each other at home how are we going to respect others in public?

We should observe and learn from the Asian cultures who prize the elderly for their wisdom and experience.

Rosie, I have also seen teens on buses sitting up front in the seats for elderly or handicapped people and they do not even move their long legs and big feet out of the aisle to let elderly people get past them while trying not to trip over them. I think the bus drivers should ask these teens to move back when an elderly person comes on board. Most teens that I have seen in public today are extremely disrepectful of the elderly and even make fun of them or try to intimidate them in some way.

I do not know what a positive solution would be to this disaster in society. Sure you can teach your kids at home and in the schools about respecting others but it does not seem to help when the teens are out alone in public. Just one obnoxious, disrespectful teen can make a whole group of teens follow his/her lead.

I remember when growing up that my parents taught us respect and manners and that was reinforced in the schools and in church and by listening to my Father or Mother or Grandparents read from the bible. Maybe the decline of faith (any faith) in America contributes a lot to the problems we are facing with teens today.
Yes, I know how it feels...
I had to become a registered person just to answer this question. What happened? Then we get blamed for it. NO RESPECT!
God Bless he will take care of us
Posted By: "Rosie" Re: Young generations respect toward Seniors - 06/30/08 10:49 AM
Phyllis, I had asked a lady bus driver why she doesn't enforce the teenagers to move she answered just as i expected
"She is afraid of them" She doesn't want to deal with them"
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