Weight Loss, Fat Burning, Calorie Quiz

This Quiz will answer some of your questions about the relationship of burning fat during working out and burning calories. Take the quiz for some of your weight loss solutions.
Dear Terri,

Do you believe ,in what I will be writing.1 1/2 month ago,when my mind was cluttered
With the weight,I had gained

,was now near 190 lbs.
Decided instead to carress my belly and saying ,I am presently loosing 10 pounds.
Saw my body change.Now weigh 175lbs.
Stopped the negative imput on my body,replaced it by positive imput.
Want to thank you for that.You might not think you are partly responsible for this
But you are.with the encouragement you showed me .

This is not very good for your article,but had to find a way to thank you.
In about 10 minutes ,i'll be going to the Dollar store and buy the strongest reading
Glasses to try to assemble the wirings ,I cannot see the wiring for the electronic system.

Thank you for being so nice to me

Loong, that is so great for you, loosing weight and in a very impressive way. As a yoga teacher I have studied a great deal about the energy we have within our bodies. It is so nice to hear that someone put it to good use.

Good luck with the instructions. TJ
Hello, I read your Article about weight loss.It's really nice and informative.
Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I always appreciate feedback.
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