Posted By: Lisa LowCarb Ancho / Poblano Pepper - 11/01/09 07:43 PM
We didn't think these were going to grow at all - the shoots were very short for quite a long while. Finally we repotted them into larger pots just to see what happened and POOF they were huge overnight. They made tons of flowers, and proceeded to make tons of peppers. This was taken on October 26th so they're fairly hardy.

Now we have to figure out how to cook them smile
Posted By: Gail - Gardening Re: Ancho / Poblano Pepper - 11/07/09 06:59 AM
Those look wonderful. Whatever you did, you did it right. That must have been what they needed or else your words of "get growing worked before I toss you out," worked.

I know my mom always loved peppers and I'm sure she has countless recipes someplace. You can freeze them and enjoy all winter long.
Posted By: Lisa LowCarb Re: Ancho / Poblano Pepper - 12/16/09 09:47 PM
It figures, but we really never did anything with them. Bob just couldn't figure out how he wanted to cook them. So we gave most of them away. Still, it was fun growing them!
Posted By: Jilly Re: Ancho / Poblano Pepper - 12/16/09 10:29 PM
Those are lovely. Are you not fans of salsa or chille reyennos?
Posted By: gardenchik Re: Ancho / Poblano Pepper - 01/23/10 06:57 PM
We had tons of Ancho peppers last year. They freeze very well and we use them mainly as Jilly mentioned, in chile rellenos. We're still trying to come up with the perfect recipe that clones our favorite local Mexican restaurant recipe. Pretty plants BTW. I can hardly wait until Spring!
Posted By: hah Re: Ancho / Poblano Pepper - 04/13/10 05:19 AM
I'm probably going to grow anchos this year. I usually grow pepperoncinis, which are wonderful to can, freeze, or pickle, and the plants are amazingly productive. I love to grill anchos, though, and serve them as a salad with a vinaigrette. They're good for you, too. They're also great in chili. You can stuff them like any green pepper, but they're more delicate than bells. Still, chilis rellenos are the best. Ummmm. And salsa, of course, if you like it milder than with jalapenos.
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