Posted By: SWK Is there something going on?! - 01/28/12 01:39 AM
I don't follow astrology very much, but being a high school teacher, I know there are times when EVERYTHING goes awry. This week is one of those times. The students are getting in fights with each other, their parents, and their teachers; the teachers are short-tempered with students and each other; family members and friends are feeling totally stressed; even at the animal shelter, the dogs are agitated, and more dogs have been hit by cars and turned in to the shelter this week than in the past two months.
Is something happening astrologically?
If so, when will it be over?!
Posted By: Melwyn Re: Is there something going on?! - 01/28/12 02:52 AM
Yes. I do believe something is going on, but I tend to lean towards it being of a spiritual nature rather than an astrological one. (but it could be astrological)

To my observation, and senses, there seem to be two opposing forces in operation - if you like, a battle between what I would describe as 'good and evil'. I believe it is a certain 'energy' which I have actually felt. The 'dark, oppressive heaviness' - something which seems to affect people's minds and emotions.

Here is Australia, we have had a record number of unexplainable road accidents, often occurring in the same place, double the death rate of other years, riots unheard of before, people reacting with violence for practically no reason, and people doing things that seem completely without logic or forethought, like in the floods, driving, even with with babies aboard, through flooded roadways that are visibly under water, and not seeming to be aware of what they are doing, almost as if their actions are being directed by some invisible influence - and this is not by any means on a small scale. I have noted these changes since the start of 2012.

What you have described fits the picture exactly, and shows that this is not just happening in my country.

But what it IS that is sending people mad, and making them do things they would not normally do, is beyond my knowledge or understanding. But you are correct. Something IS going on in the atmosphere , and it's powerful and not nice.

Posted By: Ninjahedgewych Re: Is there something going on?! - 02/06/12 05:04 PM
In my own life a lot of sentient beings are having strokes - including a cat. Strange and worrying times indeed!
Posted By: OglalaWiyan Re: Is there something going on?! - 05/31/12 05:28 PM
I have become very aware of my own spirituality, and I truly do believe that a revelation has been made to me. It is one that is so simple, yet the concept was to complex for me to comprehend when I was a young woman. "ALL THINGS ARE TEMPORARY" How simple. I have learned to accept things that come my way with the proper perspective; Nothing good or bad will last forever. Understanding this both a blessing and a curse. I have to constantly regain balance between being grateful and being mournful. However, I have accepted this as being HUMAN, and that is the greatest comfort of all; knowing that I am BEING what I am. So try and understand that all these sad/bad things are temporary, and look forward to the positive times and learn to be grateful when they appear.
Posted By: Yvonnie-Inspired Re: Is there something going on?! - 08/26/12 01:44 PM
This is a very interesting thread.

I am wondering, since there has been no further posting since May 2012, ehat have each of you noticed since?

I'm noting more couples in trouble. And I need more assistance with balance than ever before.

Has anyone figured out what is going on?
Yes, very much so!

Especially, as a highschool teacher, I'm greatful to you for noticing and for speaking about what you are noticing and bringing it to a broader span of attention.

Thank you ever so much! smile
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