Posted By: Jilly Tai Chi Beginning Practice DVD - 06/04/08 07:06 PM
We found this DVD at Target for 15 bucks - Tai Chi Beginning Practice, with David-Dorian Ross. Here are my notes about the Tai Chi segment. Keep in mind this is my first outing with Tai Chi (never tried it before).

The Solo Forms - Tai Chi

Good things -
The setting is lovely - in an aspen forest in the Rockies of Colorado.

High production values.

The instructor has a nice, gentle voice, serene manner and seems like a good teacher.

When I was able to get the moves right, i felt elegant and graceful. I think i will be able to grow into this DVD.

Less Good things -
Sometimes the high production values get in the way of being able to follow what the instructor is doing. If the camera wasn't circling around or closing in on Ross' face, I might be able to figure out what direction I am to be moving into. smile

Sometimes Ross gets his right and left switched up, which is EXTREMELY hard to handle...since it's tough enough to figure out the right/left in the first place (he is facing you).

Ross moves a bit too fast for a novice (like me). I am sure the pace will be fine once I know what I am doing. I spent a lot of time in this segment just standing and watching in Tree Pose, waiting for something to cycle around so that I could follow again.

I would have preferred the DVD to show us a split screen or insert with him NOT facing the audience. I am thinking of actually watching this DVD in the mirror to be able to follow along. I will let people know if that is helpful!

Flowing Practice Demonstration

It was a good idea for the DVD to include a segment on how the forms are supposed to look, all flowing together, by a master. I appreciated this part.

Qigong/Chi Gong Extra

There is a bonus segment on the DVD, a Morning Chi Gong practice. This is set on a beach and is very easy to follow, very soothing and a wonderful addition to the DVD.

I think for some people the DVD is worth getting for this part alone. I have never done chi gong before and I think this is fabulous - anyone can do it.

I was a little bit distracted by the waves creeping up to his feet, but it's ultimately neat that the wave only actually laps his toes during the final move. How did they plan that? heehee

The total time on the DVD is 1 hour and 10 minutes.
Posted By: Lisa LowCarb Re: Tai Chi Beginning Practice DVD - 06/05/08 01:08 AM
Interesting! I actually had Bob tape a Qi Gong show for me, and I am waiting for a free moment to watch it and try it out. A friend of mine enjoys it and I wanted to see what it's all about. I'll let you know when I find that time!
Posted By: Jilly Re: Tai Chi Beginning Practice DVD - 06/05/08 01:58 AM
I did the chi gong section today, in my tiny office space here, and timed it. It's just over 20 minutes. I like that i can pop it on the computer and get in an easy workout while not having to change clothes, get out a mat, or move from my computer area. smile
Posted By: Jilly Re: Tai Chi Beginning Practice DVD - 06/05/08 02:31 AM
Lisa, from what I can tell by this one DVD, chi gong is about raising and lowering your arms, standing, squatting and bending, and breathing in tune with those movements.

It's almost too easy but feels very fluid and relaxing.

Does anyone know more about qi gong?
Posted By: Jilly Re: Tai Chi Beginning Practice DVD - 06/10/08 06:35 PM
Okay I started a thread on qi gong here:BellaOnline ALERT: Raw URLs are not allowed in these forums for security reasons. Please use UBB code. If you don't know how to do UBB code just post here for help - we will help out!
Posted By: Jilly Re: Tai Chi Beginning Practice DVD - 06/14/08 06:27 PM
OKay, Dan got back in the game and is now using this DVD every few days. He really wants to learn the moves. I follow what Dan is doing and not the screen. if I watch the instructor on the screen i get totally thrown off.

Dan keeps backing up the DVD to replay some confusing parts, which i find frustrating (i would rather just do it and move past, being an impatient Aries). So when i get frustrated I just do some sun salutations and then return to following what DH is doing.

When I get the moves right, it feels graceful and strong. Eventually we will have it down.
Posted By: Jilly Re: Tai Chi Beginning Practice DVD - 06/23/08 06:18 PM
Okay, dan says that this instructor really does mix up his left and right frequently...but he's been doing the DVD regualrly and finally now has all the moves down. In fact, last night he did the entire beginner's sequence flawlessly from memory. yay him!

So we will do the DVD together but i will just follow him from now on. Or we can skip the DVD and do this outside somewhere pretty.
You're showing some great progress Jill.

It's actually not uncommon to find instructors messing up left and right on tapes like that. I've done instruction videos and can tell you talking to a camera is so not like teaching a class. I prefer having a live audience to teach lol.

Now that you've got the moves down, start trying to visualize with it. Draw in the images of nature and the scenery you see in that video.

You are a tree. Thus when you place your foot down, it is solid, unmoving, rooted.

You are the breeze. Your arms feel light, shoulders relaxed, flowing over the trees.

You are the sun. With each extending movement, you push your rays out into the world full of warth. Of light.

Posted By: mary-tea1 Re: Tai Chi Beginning Practice DVD - 06/27/08 01:51 AM
I just started taking Tai Chi Chih, I really, really enjoy this. I am arthritic and have been searching high and low for any Tai Chi class, the arthritic foundation has classes available but they were so far from my home. I have rented video from library on Tai Chi and it was very hard to follow. Now taking it with instructor, it's the only way to go.

Mary Caliendo
Tea Editor
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Tai Chi Beginning Practice DVD - 07/01/08 08:01 PM
Tai Chi is very therapeutic. I believe in its power and results.
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