Posted By: Tally Adoption - 01/21/10 09:02 AM
Hello to whom it may concern, I'm genuinely very curious, my intention isn't to offend any of the sensitive chicas out there, but I'm curious as to why some people don't adopt a child? I've read some posts about how hard it was to become pregnant with all the miscarriages and how much the body took to withstand the emotional/physical depression. To be more clear, I've had a miscarriage once. To be honest, it came at a very appropriate time in my life because I wasn't at all ready to have a child. It was, however, very traumatic. I can't imagine the strength it must have taken to endure repeated miscarriages. It drained me out for those 2 weeks to endure just one. So why not adoption? Once again, I'd just like to know. For me, I would've adopted at that point. This is only my opinion so I don't know how other people might think regarding that. Bless everyone who has suffered the loss described in past posts. I hope, whatever you choose, that you will be content one day. Thank you for your time.
Posted By: snyckers Re: Adoption - 01/23/10 06:21 PM
Hi. Tally. I joined just to respond to your post. I have 3 kids all girls and wanted a fourth child. I wanted a boy and a child became available in the foster care system that was 6 weeks old. I thought "perfect." I even had them drop the baby off so I could spend some time with him. By the end of the day I couldn't wait for them to come pick him up. What it is Tally is what I was going to give up by adopting. There is a different feeling you have when you carry your baby for 9 months. In the 4th mth you feel it move for the 1st time and feel it kick and roll around and even feel it when theres hiccups! When they place that baby in your arms theres a love that cannot be explained and when you were a little girl you didnt say "I can't wait to adopt." When that child looks like you, acts like you, its indescribable! My best friend never had kids but adopted 6. The love you feel is different, not in a bad way but different. People that adopt that can't have kids their love is true but different. When you adopt, those are the things you give up.
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