Posted By: ariannasage Words of encouragement, and poetry - 08/03/05 12:02 AM
A post which hopefully will encourage parents and others to post their poetry to their children, about their miscarriages, and encouraging words for others.
Posted By: ariannasage Re: Words of encouragement, and poetry - 08/03/05 12:02 AM
"The Light that is Andy"

Silent Stillness,
The still sound of that silence that can break the soul,
Dashing wishes against rocks of loss.
Empty Hopes,
The hopes of a mother drained to an empty vessel,
A vessel that fills instead with lost dreams.
Quiet Visions,
A mother�s eyes see upon her eyelids,
the tiny body floating still and quiet in that sea.
Questing promises,
A mother�s heart seeing divine promise
Of earthen rebirth, and empty arms seeking the promise
Of golden weight held to aching breasts.
Gentle Wind,
Your baby�s touch in wind seeking to dry
My tears upon my cheeks.
That gentle wind, with it�s hollow sound
Echoing off of mother nature�s limbs, while
Caressing my face in a hopeful attempt at healing.
Tiny lips which beg me to listen as you explain
On the voice of that hollow and gentle wind,
Just why you had to go.
Tears and Wishes,
If I could place just one kiss on your tiny forehead,
If I could hear your little cry in the night asking for the comfort of mother,
If I could cradle your little body and bath you in my tears to bring you life,
Perhaps then, my wishes could come true.
Sadness and Rebirth,
No, oh no, you are a beautiful dream in the confines of my heart.
Happiness unmasked to reveal a sadness so keen that it rips at my soul,
And threatens to steal my breath.
But then, there you are, standing whole in my heart,
With baby soft cheeks and tiny hands that reach out to me.
�Do not grieve that way my gentle Mother! I am a flash of joy which has indeed
Brought you sorrow, but also am I, the spirit of renewal. I shall come again,
And we shall know each other when we look into each other�s eyes. But, for now,
Cling to my memory through your sadness. Touch my soul through your tears. Listen
For my voice on the breeze. Rejoice in the promise of rebirth. See me in visions as
You dream. Feel my soul in the stillness of all your quiet moments. I am with you
Still, as I have always been with you and as I always will be. You have only to call,
And I will visit your mind to bless your thoughts, and I will visit your heart to heal it�s
Chambers with an infant�s tiny kiss.�

�Remember me. Remember me.�, you say so softly on that gentle wind, as it plucks
at my hair and brushes my cheek.

�I will my precious child!� Is my reply, as I reach to touch my cheek and feel your
Baby fingers for just a moment. Just a moment, which lasts a Mother�s lifetime. Just
A moment, as I watch a spider web dancing as a loving symbol in the mid day breeze.

Then with eyes closed, I call you.
�I love you my little angel!�

And from within my heart and from the wind in the trees, a reply.
�I love you too, Mommy�we are one you and I!�

A tear slips from my weary eye, and a smile touches my lips.

You are with me. You are with me. And I know peace.

For Andy, August 1st, 2005
With all my love, Mommy
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