Posted By: GtownmaGenealogy Topic Ideas for College Newspapers - 08/02/08 11:09 PM
I am a new reporter for my college newspaper. We have two a semester that go out. Any ideas that college students may be interested in reading about? Would love to hear from you.

Thank You,

Tina Sansone
How about the lack of the freedom in press in high school and college newspapers? I had to do a fifteen page paper on that in my English 222 class.

Very interesting subject. Check out the Tinker Decision in 69 and the Kuhlmeier vs. Hazelwood decision in 87 or even ask around at your college and see if any story has been censored.
We were talking about that very thing today. A reporter from last semester said the administrator can pull any article they deem inappropriate to be published. Since we are basically paid staff via scholarhip for our tuition they have final say. But, they rarely do this, but have on occasion. We bascially have to write around a touchy topic. I'll look into the sites you mentioned and see what I might can do with it.

Thanks so much for your reply.

In college, administrators are not really supposed to censor articles because there is more freedom of the press in college than in high school.

There is an organization called the Student Press Law Center in Virginia and helps students of school newspapers with legal advice regarding censorship. You can find them here:

Student Press Law Center
I put that link in my favs so I would have it to refer to. Thanks for the link.

You are welcome. Like I said I had to do a big paper on the subject and will look to see if I saved anything from it and will get it to you.
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