Posted By: M o e Thank you and You're Welcome - 06/01/06 12:47 AM
Am I the only one who learned to say You're Welcome when someone says Thank you? Isn't it proper etiquette to say so?

One of my other peeves is visiting a store and the cashier hands me a receipt and says "there you go" instead of "thank you".
Well customer service as a whole is going down. If you can find a salesperson to actually WANT to help you, please let us know.

And it is proper etiquette to say "thank you" and "please", but many people don't care enough to practice good etiquette. You'll find PLENTY of rants on this in other threads of the forum.
Posted By: elle Re: Thank you and You're Welcome - 06/11/06 06:55 AM
I was taught to say "Pleasure" when someone thanked me. I never really liked that, it sounded a bit odd to me, especially if I did something that was obviously not a pleasure, like washing the dishes. When I was working in the UK I heard an American colleague say "You're welcome" with the biggest smile in her voice. I thought it sounded so lovely and "welcoming", and it completely covered the scenario of being thanked for doing something unpleasant. So I adopted that and have been saying it ever since.
Posted By: ally465 Re: Thank you and You're Welcome - 06/24/06 04:17 PM
Am I the only one who learned to say You're Welcome when someone says Thank you? Isn't it proper etiquette to say so?

Yes, but something I find a bit odd: when I'm at the store, and the clerk hands me a package, I'll say "thank you," and instead of him replying "You're welcome. Thank you (for shopping at this store)," the person will usually just say "You're welcome." Therefore, the clerk never says thank you at all, and I'm the one thanking him!
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