Posted By: Elleise - Clairvoyance Boeing - 09/27/09 02:28 AM
I'm still puting together items since before we headed to NYC.

If anyone new is here welcome btw.

I haven't been back to the NYC area since we were there at the airport and the first plane hit. They hadn't shut the airports down quite yet. They only had the dogs and police.

We are at the hotel (finaly) and had ordered my favorite - pizza and a commercial came on as soon as we sat down to eat. It was a Boeing commercial.

It felt very big - very big...I don't know what to say other than that. I dropped my pizza and said, this has something to do with GE. When I worked at the brokerage firm we helped all of the 'package' GE employees who were given a retirement package and leaving vs. staying on and recieving less money per hour. That is my connection with GE.

This is too accurate for my 'stuff' - in the past it's always been here and there or head on if I'm right in front of a situation.

I think I'm right in front of a situation.


Clairvoyance Editor
Posted By: Jane - Native American Re: Boeing - 09/27/09 03:49 PM
Elleise, I think you're hitting the mark. GE is behind a lot of things and seem to have their hands in everyone's pot.

They have been dealing through subsidiaries with embargoed countries, have a tremendous profit stake in the "Cap and Trade" Bill, which has already passed the House of Representatives, and shortly after the missile defense system in Poland was nixed, it was reported they have a deal brewing in Russia. Not to mention partial control of the media with owning NBC, government contracts, and advisory relations with the President.

They flagrantly demonstrated their stake in the Presidential elections, maybe now we know why. Since the news broke of their business with Iran, we've been boycotting all their products, even going a few months without a particular light bulb we needed. My husband adamantly refused to buy the GE one, readily available.

GE seems to be curiously exempt from all the negative talk about large corporations. I wonder why that is.
Posted By: Elleise - Clairvoyance Re: Boeing - 09/28/09 03:34 AM
My husband could vouch for me, my feelings have been almost obsessive lately - and it's on a topic of interest I just don't follow.

I almost need to draw a picture. It's playing out in my head a bit like a map. It is so far beyond democrat/republican. It's not even in the ball park, but a lot of people are thinking it really is. I do rely on people who do follow and understand these things to say, hmmmm you know or that's impossible because...

I'm writing an article actually because there are just too many details. But right now it kind of works like this...

Think tower defense game. Literally. People, the public have been broken down and analyzed in 'special interest groups.' Not unusual for elections but this one comes with pitting people against people with committed causes stirring deeply in the peoples souls for example, racism, a 'dying planet, Native American Indians, lack of health benefits, etc.

So, whether the people understand the bigger picture, it won't matter, see? To them they'll just be committed to making sacrifices for the betterment of their cause/past/ancestors. It's like when your in a relationship and your significant other is cheating on you. Yu don't want to know and are uncomfortable even contemplating the possibility. Deep down you defend your love.

In this particular situation, we've had corruption on both, (all actually) sides of the gov. What this is isn't dems. though, it's dems like the name of the group but it isn't about democratic. It's well, I�ll just come out and say it another country actually, a deal that's being made, we're dealing with. This country is, I think, the one Chevez is a part of, CUBA???

On top of that, bring in the chess game, someone behind our current power/pres. is steering or aligning the players to benefit financially. It almost feels like a group and behind this group is a person - the creator of the group.

China is in there but right now they feel to have a different stake- like the air conditioning of a home. They want everything to run through them, money, product, etc.

Way back when I remember writing, Russia doesn't go away and there seems to be countries that team up like satellite lands.

Dictators (these are all feelings btw) dictator's rulership (not a word) aren't as wonderful as they claim. They have beaten down or quieted those speaking out. They'll kill them if they have to. They have people risking everything to sneak away see and are losing money. Those people are coming here. They've made agreements to benefit off of the fleeing people coming to the u.s. Did you ever see Skeleton Key? In the end Caroline is running from Violet only to find herself in the arms of the attorney which is actually violet's husband in disguise.

I've noticed pictures of dictators with actors/actresses, big money. They're hoping when all of this is said and done, they will be remembered and rewarded as supporters. Media feels it be run or supported almost entirely by the gov. Some of the regular news agencies either lose ratings and money and get bailed out by the gov. or they die off and a company emerges as "Something Media" but it will be gov. media. They will make it very expensive or just plain difficult to go independent, almost brainwashing everyone to only hear good things about the control that's about to take place.

All of these things aren't complete yet. Basically, obama is acting as the switchboard for all of the dicators to have control over all things that affect us. This ties into the health care> iT ISN'T JUST HEALTH INSURANCE - NOT AT ALL. tHROUGH THE HEALTH CARE EVERYTHING FLOWS. eVERYTHING THAT AFFECTS THE HUMAN BODY WILL HAVE SOME FORM OF GOV. REGULATION which means money will trickle into these govt's. (hit the caps lock)

They are going to alter the name of what they are doing to include the word or theory of environment. This takes the people�s defenses down. If it's not out there already, we'll start hearing how these other countries really have it together and work efficiently, examples for us to live by.

The constitution is in there, but it's in pieces, feels tattered but the only thing that has kept this from going full speed ahead. Someone else saw this coming way back when. Inadvertently though, the goal is to be, to have our tax money funnel into chavez and other dictators . That's why they are willing to work with us now. It's more money for them. Russia feels to be the one that wants everything though. Chavez may have had a deal made with him like he gets a stake/position/revenue from the energies or something. In the end though the dictators will fight with each other, each thinking they are the rightful owner of the US.

This is the murkiness everyone's been feeling. The crisis comes when the people's reactions to the dictatorships that have been hidden, bleeds over to what's brewing over here on the people who are being called anti-American or racists. They are neither and their anger is actually real. They�re anger doesn't go away. The other countries people are frustrated as well. The dictators are just hiding it. All peoples begin rising up and rebel - their anger is too much to control.


Clairvoyance Editor
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