My mother has seen and sensed spiritual things before, some good, some not so good. This is not a dream. It actually just happened:

She was staying the night as a caretaker for a 106 year old woman in the woman's home. In the middle of the night my mother heard something and woke up. She was in the spare bedroom with the door open. A light left on from the bathroom down the hall to help the elderly woman see if necessary cast a soft glow into the hall.

My mother did not move from her bed but looked towards her open doorway. She was startled when a dark figure floated down the hallway towards the elderly woman's room. This figure was very clear to see and solid black, with a hooded head and visible arms. This figure did not walk, but instead it floated.

My mother was freaked out and thought someone was in the house, but there was nobody. She checked on the elderly woman who had her bedroom door open. The woman was sound asleep.

Is this a premonition of death?
Posted By: gemineye006 Re: Dark figure floating down the hall - 02/03/12 07:30 AM
well cassie,i thought about death when i read the first lines.
Hi Cassie,

I think as well as Gemineye, yes, there is eminent death. But that in itself, with someone who has lived strongly for 106 years, can be probable.

However, "seeing" or sensing, visions and dreams along with timing can reveal more. Some people have the ability to see past the "veil" that can separate human beings from the Other Side...what we're able to see physically of the Other Side.

If your mom is seeing such a thing. It's not likely it will be the last time and as you've mentioned she's felt things before.

What I feel can happen is, people who are open are sensitive to seeing. The closer they are to seeing, the closer they are more likely to recognize death.

In my experience, I haven't had a dark figure "take someone." But I have experienced people who have guides that show them through visions and symbolism, things to be expected.

Have you spoken to your mother since?
Cassie, is the elderly lady still living? I agree with Gemineye, I felt the same way.

PS: and agree with Elleise. Elleise, we posted just a few seconds from each other. What you say makes a lot of sense to me.
With two sensitives, especially, Phyllis, there's got to be a message in that itself smile

With everything else that can be going on, to intersect - me thinks it deserves at least a wink, but insight to the timing as well.
I have talked to my mother since and she has not had any more feelings or sightings of this nature. As far as I know the elderly woman is still alive.

My mother was asleep on the couch a few weeks ago, and she was awakened by a tap on her shoulder, but of course nobody was there because she lives alone. Around the same time there were some knocks on the front door but nobody was there. A short time later my boyfriend died, and my mother thinks that she was given a sign.

Mom grew up in the deep country, the upper part of Maine almost into Canada. There are hills and woods, lakes, etc. Lots of undisturbed land there. In her childhood there were all kinds of stories of beings appearing to people, or chasing people. She has had that happen walking home in the dark (the town was very small and barely any lights) with her sister. They were chased by something. Beings could be seen crossing the dark road way up ahead if you were driving. And it was definite that these beings were not animals. I know she has lots of personal stories of strange things happening there.

My mother saw my dead paternal grandfather at the foot of her bed three weeks after he passed away. She said it was during the night but the vision of him was as clear as day. He was wearing white and he was smiling. That was years ago.

She was given a gift of a framed print of a portrait from head to bust of a Victorian woman by my sister quite a few years ago. My sister worked at a framing shop at the time and the print had sat rolled up and abandoned on a shelf by a customer who had intended to have it framed but then never returned for it. My mother liked Victorian things at the time, so my sister framed it and gave it to her, which Mom loved. Mom hung it in the livingroom and we all admired it. She had a pretty dress and feathers in her hat.

Then the bad nightmares started for my mother. Something about a Victorian house and my mother driving to it or away from it. Someone was pulling on her hands on the steering wheel, raking at her hands and trying to make my mother crash her car. She would wake up with her hands feeling like they were on fire.

There would be waves of perfume in the house now and then, but it was nobody's scent in the house. Coffee mugs would be set down somewhere only to be located somewhere else. Noises would be heart in the garage but when investigated nothing was there.

My mother began to think it was because of the Victorian woman print. We all began to really study the print and in noticing the background of large brushstrokes in shades of dark green to black, we started seeing evil faces. We all saw it. My mother knew someone who wanted the print so she gave it away, making the person aware of what had been happening since the print arrived in the house. The person was not nervous at all, thinking it was just a picture. Once the print was out of my mother's house, the nightmares and strange happenings stopped.

The new owner of the print never had a problem with it. But I bet the former owner who left it at the frame shop was looking for a way to get rid of it, and they were afraid to just throw it out somewhere. I wonder what their experiences were with that print.

My mother must be highly sensitive to spirit activity. She is part Native American as well, and that could be one reason why she is so sensitive, as Native Americans in general have connections to the spirit world.

Fascinating, isn't it? Sometimes scary for my Mom though.
Posted By: Lori-Dreams Re: Dark figure floating down the hall - 08/01/12 05:34 PM
Fascinating, indeed, Debbie. Your mother is a sensitive.

As for the dark hooded figure in the elderly woman's home, he appears to be some sort of guide. The elderly woman is sleeping a lot not only because her physical body is aged and tired but her spirit is doing a lot of traveling during her dream state. The guide is nearby, getting her prepared to leave. For some reason, she is hesitating in leaving her physical body.

Regarding secondhand things, it is important to know as much as possible about an item's previous owner(s). Physical objects carry the energies of its previous environment and owner. Can you feel this when you walk into an antique shop filled with lots of sentimental things? If the items were imbued with negative energy, you can feel that, too. We moved into a few houses that were filled with angry vibrations (the owners had divorced) and we could feel it clearly and had to be careful not to argue ourselves. After prayer and cleansing, the houses were filled with our own energy which was happy and loving. Lots of laughter.

But it gets dangerous when you pick up objects that were intentionally created to cause harm or to allow evil energy to flow through them and into the lives of the living.
I agree!

I find not only objects, but homes themself have energies and "soft spots" or portals. There's never quite the right physical word.

But homes/objects a pyramid, so-to-speak. So there are areas not only within the parameter of the objects, but if you're sensitive as well, you almost act as a funnel.

That's been my experience anyway wink
I always wondered why when I go into antique shops, and only these shops, the air seems thick and oppressive, and I often get a headache. I wonder if I am just sensing the energies attached to the items in the store. I never looked at it that way before, but it would explain how I seem to be in a different world in one of these places.
Posted By: jenniechan Re: Dark figure floating down the hall - 08/14/12 05:38 AM
That is quite an interesting thread Debbie. Is that possible that the guide is preparing elderly woman to leave? It is very strange for me.
Posted By: Lori-Dreams Re: Dark figure floating down the hall - 08/14/12 09:57 PM
Originally Posted By: Debbie-SpiritualityEditor
I always wondered why when I go into antique shops, and only these shops, the air seems thick and oppressive, and I often get a headache. I wonder if I am just sensing the energies attached to the items in the store. I never looked at it that way before, but it would explain how I seem to be in a different world in one of these places.

Yes, I feel exactly the same way, Debbie. While I am fascinated by the antique items, there is such an--you used the perfect word--oppressive feeling. Not only has the item absorbed years and years of energy from people and places but sometimes, the original owners still have an emotional attachment to it.

If you wanted to practice developing your "clairs," pick up and hold an item, preferably away from other junk, sit quietly and "see" the item's past.
100% accurate!!!

Rooms, homes, GARAGE sales especially, even animals if you happen to frequent rescue can pick that energy right up!

i've heard people tell me an item haunts their home, and I've actually pinpointed the item before they tell me what the problem is. It's not so much a ghost, but a channel that's positive or negative enough, like a highway, for entities to pass through wink
Posted By: Lori-Dreams Re: Dark figure floating down the hall - 08/20/12 07:41 PM
So cool, Elleise. I love your sensitivity to spirit vibration!

I used to love garage sales, especially to find books and dishes. But I stay away now because of the heaviness of things. Even "new" things can carry the energy of their creators and conditions under which they were created. But we can't stay away from all things! LOL.

Best to cleanse and imbue with your own positive energy--mainly gratitude and appreciation--and all should be well. smile
Jennie.....anything is possible, I am sure. The woman is still alive today.
Lori....I remember once I found a small cherub figurine outside a goodwill drop box when I was bringing some clothing I no longer used for donation. I picked up the little angel and brought it home. Strange and negative things started happening and I thought it best to take the cherub back to where I found it. Whatever energy was attached to it was not resonating well in my home.

I like your idea of cleansing a desired item and imparting your own energy into it.
Elleise......I think a channel or highway for negative energy is what occurred in my mother's home when she hung up that victorian woman portrait.
Posted By: Lori-Dreams Re: Dark figure floating down the hall - 08/21/12 02:21 AM
Unfortunately, when people have attachments to things, they impart their energy into them.

Sadly, some items are intentionally created to bring evil unto others, too.

When you donate your things, try to send them off with a sense of gratitude for serving you well and good wishes for its new owners, that they may bless the lives and homes of its new owners.
Antique shops have the same "thick/concentrated" effect on me as well.

I see the objects within the shops as not only having collected sometimes centuries of energy individually themselves, but as a collective.

In terms of energy, it's a bit like what you could imagine might eminate from a jar of collected Fire-flies.
Interesting comparison, Elleise.

I used to wonder why I seemed to be the only one in my group who experienced the heaviness and headache from antique store visits. Now I realize I am just very sensitive to the energy.
Interesting thread.

In my younger years, I always knew when I was near a cemetery because I would get headaches.

Additionally, when I enter the home of a hoarder (often hidden in one room w/a closed door), I feel the energy of others.

I've written about cleaning house because even our items can absorb the energies we express overtime. Getting rid of things frees up the space and removes old unwanted energies.

Hi again Debbie.
Hi Yvonnie!

I out clutter and unwanted things does free up energy and opens a space for more positive flow.
I have that same experience....but I always figured it was the dust and my allergies. :-) I usually get a good or bad vibe from each object.
Boy do I have a story...

When I was in my 20's me and a firend liked to go to grave sites and etch epitaphs with a light wax paper and pencil/charcoal.

Well...for me I said, "I feel like something's on my back...I can't get rid of it"

I wanted to get out of there so fast and though my friend was enjoying her historic archiving, i got in the car. I was of course a pain in her-ash (back-side), lol but finally agreed to leave.

We get in the car and the thing doesn't start. It's a local cemetary near a zoo. Miller Park zoo.

Anyway, we had to get back out cause it was warm and she's like what is it you're picking up? I'm like, haven't a clue but I'm about ready to walk home.

We both look down where we were standing, and my feet were sinking in a freshly dug grave (s). Many people may not remember, but there was a household murder:

"The Hendricks Murder" (11/07/83:


Well it's a very woodzy area, where we were. Lots of winding roads and they didn't publisize where exactly anything was done. Low and behold as I was looking up and around felt my feet sinking.

I was standing on the fresh graves. I think there were 4-5. So the more I moved the more I landed on someone else.

Thing is we didn't even know where they were buried/not even the cemetery, and didn't go looking for them. Just a fall day.

Something, if you knew how large this cememtery was, had a hand in how everything happened.

The car never had problems before. After aboout 10 -15 minutes, the thing started.
Wow....that is a crazy story!!! Were you scared to death? Did you have an inkling then that you might have a gift?
The "inkling" came long before that. My parents actually took me to doctor after doctor.

As a kid, back then, it would just seem like I had sleeping problems. I'd go into my parents room and say there was someone in my bedroom a man/a woman...grandma, etc.

I had sleep paralysis which didn't even exist back then, but what really did it, for my parents anyway, was when I slept walked 3 days in a row. For 3 days, at 3:00 am, I would go to a corner of the downstairs addition they were building and my mother told me finally after day 3 she touched my shoulder with her finger and tried to wake me gently. She said I was talking and looking up. When I came to she said I was talking to 3 beings..."they're angels...can't you see them?"

We talked about it the next day, but not so much after that...she kind of said, "I wouldn't mess around with it if I were you whatever it is...
Posted By: Lori-Dreams Re: Dark figure floating down the hall - 10/03/12 05:03 AM
Wow, Elleise! Those are great stories! How wonderful that you've seen angels!

When I was a little girl, I remember seeing "people" as clear as day. I would ask my mother, "Who is that man? He's right there." She wouldn't see anyone and so she would fall silent. When I persisted, she'd tell me to be quiet so I just gave up.

Later, I learned that my father's mother had been institutionalized and so they all worried that my "seeing people" who weren't there meant I might be mentally ill. I learned real quick to stop "seeing" things. I literally willed it away.

I recall waking up in the middle of the night and seeing a cluster of colorful orbs fly through my bedroom window, spin and whirl overhead and then zoom, out another window. When I rushed out to tell my mother, she ignored me as though I wasn't there so I went back into my bedroom to wonder and marvel about the incident all by myself.

When I saw the ghostly outline of a woman dressed in colonial wear, she said nothing. When she told me that she dreamt of a dead uncle coming to the front door in the middle of the night, I told her that iy was not a dream because I heard the entire episode and could tell her exactly what happened in her "dream" she finally began to think that just maybe I had a psychic gift and not a mental illness.

I've been told time and time again that I am a natural medium and channel. I refused to pursue it for a variety of reasons. But I've always known that one of my main roles here is to be a messenger so perhaps it is time to fulfill my destiny. I love to interpret dreams because it is a form of helping one understand the communication from his higher self but I feel as though I have been wasting another gift. We shall see.
You're SO right....

Dreams, well science, at least seems to think it/they are just random experiences....

Me, not so much. I can tell the "garbage" dreams, the excess...stale-mates of the day type deals from, something that's more like LIFE!

There were messengers back in the biblical times, there ARE messengers today! We really haven't changed so much that we are no longer in need of them....

Political or religious factors, well those can keep one from doing what they were meant to do. But the older and wiser they become, there�s an alliance that directs them and then become and do precisely what it was they were meant here to do.

I've never called myself a prophet and the word "psychic" well it was here well b-4 I ever was...

Messenger (as you say) is what I'm probably most comfortable and over time, I feel we meet those as well, scattered I suppose, lol, to keep us from congregating to much so that we operate in the fashion we were meant to....thorns and all smile
Posted By: Maggie25 Re: Dark figure floating down the hall - 03/04/13 09:24 AM
The Grim Reaper is waiting patiently. Old objects hold the vibrations of it's owner or owners. If your sensitive enough, you would pick up these vibrations. So many old objects together under one roof would indeed make the air appear thick and oppressive.
I agree, objects do retain energy, almost like a sponge.

I find myself actually more comfortable older homes than a newer one, like a 100 + yr old house. Newer ones, to me anyway, just feel so empty, plastic. It's the richness of history within the walls I think.
Posted By: Maggie25 Re: Dark figure floating down the hall - 03/04/13 10:10 AM
That's true Elleise. However, as many members of my family found out when they came to stay in our brand new home, the ground upon which it was built also carries vibrations of by gone era's. So our home which we still live in 14 years after it was built has been embued with these earth entrapped vibrations. Spirits come and go through our home, and many of my seven granddaughters have felt their presence when having sleep overs in the back of the house. Even my dogs know when these Spirits are around. These Spirits tend to hang around my computer area. Miss behaving Spirits get a good talking to from me, and if necessary I'll clense the house with my own little ritual of bell ringing and white lighting using white candles as I ask the new comers to please leave now. They do, but others come in their place later on. No big deal as long as they are nice. Hubby once left the toilet door open as he was using it (the second one in the back of the house) when suddenly a small girl dressed in 19th Century atire appeared before him. He quickly shut the toilet door. That'll teach him, lol. I know I sound a bit over the top, but honestly what I've spoken of here is true. I guess I take after my Sicillian Mother and her ancestors who come from Romania, Germany, France and Spain. Quite a mix, but eventually Sicillian blood became the dominant one. Margaret aka Maggie

I love spirits with personality and seers with a great sense of humor.

Great story!

My gift is interesting, as I believe in such gifts, but am always amazed when they happen.

For instance, two weeks ago I heard a mom saying she needed help with her daughter. She said her daughter (6 years old) keeps having strange and major accidents and she does not understand why. So, twice I went to the Alpha Level in an attempt to meet with the child's truest-spirit (for me that is who you are without any inhibitions or judgements). The child was there but did not speak. On my second attempt, I said to her, "when you are ready to talk I am available. You know how to find me."

3am, the day we were expected to see each other in real life, she awakened me. She explained that she is a giving spirit; that everything she does is in the spirit of giving. Then, I became aware of a male spirit attached to her. I asked if it were her dad and the spirit replied, no, I'm a little boy.

I came to understand that her injuries were her way of giving to someone's need. I felt a connection to her mom and the male spirit; the child was aborted or miscarried, one foot in and one foot out of this world and the spirit world. I understood that she and her younger sister have the ability to see spirits and that the mom once had the gift, but at some point decided to block things - having to do with a grandmother.

At the end of the day, I did not get a full message because I was so wowed by what I was experiencing and not sure how I was going to go to this woman and tell her what I saw, without her looking at me like "what the what?".

I did tell her last week and she confirmed that the child was born and died only weeks later and that her daughter often speaks of seeing and speaking with him. In real-life the child was thrilled to talk to me about her brother, glad to have someone else having experienced him. The mother confirmed that the girl was extremely giving of herself physically and emotionally. She agreed she had cut some of her gifts off after a grandmother passed. She said she would talk with her mother to get a clearer understanding of how she was as a child. And she cried and hugged me and said thank yous, many times over.

The gifts we have are amazing. We can inspire each other to heal with these gifts. We can do so much more. I believe we can heal the earth.

I'd love to hear other stories and have a place to meet, here, where we can assist each other with our cases or situations or sightings.

In love,
Posted By: Maggie25 Re: Dark figure floating down the hall - 03/04/13 08:38 PM
Hi Yvonnie, thank you for your message, but if you maybe think of me as a Seer, no way do I see myself as such. I'm just another Soul here to learn more by experiencing what is necessary. Spirits know this and are drawn to those who are aware that this life is not all there is. I'm neither the lovey dovey type nor the hard line type of person where Spirit is concerned or physical beings come to that. I just feel the situation that arises and act accordingly. I'm not always in tune, for yes I too would tune out when the physical body has other things to cope with, but Spirit is always with me that much I do know. Science is on our side you know. One day Science will prove beyond doubt that there is life after death. Nothing dies, it just changes. The Theory of everything (String Theory) will prove it! Blessings Margaret aka Maggie
Yes Maggie-

I do see you as a Seer. If you see them, I call you a seer. I love your balance and agree with your words.

Thanks again for being present here
Posted By: Trace~ Re: Dark figure floating down the hall - 03/05/13 08:50 AM
I read through the thread, and I do not get the "feeling" for lack of a better word that this dark figure is actually "dark". I once had a dream of a similiar figure standing at the end of my bed, hooded the same, face unable to be made out, but I had a STRONG sense the "being" wanted to tell me something. Not so much with words, but through my mind if that makes any sense. He wanted me to "know" something, and he was there to impart that knowledge. I felt that it was not pleasant knowledge, and I wrestled ALL night trying NOT to "know" what this entity was in the dream to let me know. At any rate, the being in my dream was not "dark". He was there to impart a message, share some wisdom, prepare me for something. I strongly "feel" this is the same situation. She is likely about to pass, and there are things she must know to not be so afraid to leave her physical body. He was not there to harm or frighten your mother, but rather as previously said before to act as some sort of guide or educator of what is to come. Just my two cents.
Thank you, Trace.
Is the figure actually hooded? I was just thinking...

Or, is it like the face or head even lacks detail or kind of spreads out, you know, like more of a shadow?

I always go w/my feelings first, even with people living right in front of me or photo, if it's recent. But if it didn't feel negative or threatening, it could be you caught a glimpse of an entity passing in and out, between two worlds.
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