Posted By: lala21 What do you think? - 02/18/07 03:38 AM
I've always been very interested in dream interpretation. My dreams are VERY realistic. They always have been. I remember my dreams as if they were real. I usually remember almost every detail, colours, smells, feelings etc. Anyways, last night I had this dream that I was at the hospital and I was being told that I needed to have an operation because they thought I had either a blood clot, or an ectopic pregnancy. In my dream I was waking up from the anaesthetic when I heard the doctors saying that they would have to remove one fallopian tube and that would make my chances of have kids only 50%. Then I woke up. I remember feeling kinda sad and a little worried.

Any thoughts about what this could mean?
Posted By: BellaDreams Re: What do you think? - 02/20/07 06:46 PM
Have you been worried lately about anything to do with the reproductive system? If so, this may have crept into the dream world. The dream could also relate to anything to do with creativity - writing, art, etc. With your dreams seeming so real, I must ask if any of them have actually come true? If so, this dream could be a warning to see a doctor for a Pap smear or similar examination.
Posted By: lala21 Re: What do you think? - 02/20/07 08:30 PM
No, I cant think of any dreams which have come true. But when I am dreaming it seems so real at the time and then I wake up and I realize that it was just a dream.

I haven't really been worrying much about anything like that, but I know that it is about time for me to get some tests done, so maybe I am having some anxiety that I wasn't really aware of?
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