Posted By: Jen.L I am jealous that he goes to meetings! - 02/16/08 11:39 PM
Hey there,

My hubby is a Recovering Alcoholic for 6 years and we just had a baby on 12/25. I know this is crazy . . . but I am jealous that he "gets" to go out and be social and go to meetings 1-2 times a week. These are his regular groups and friends so I know he needs it and needs to be with others but I get a bit jealous when he leaves.

I haven't been out w/ a friend since she was born . . . I know once we settled in that can happen but I just had to say this and was glad there was a forum here for me to do it!

Thanks for reading and listening.
Every person needs a support group - *especially* new mothers!! Many new mothers join breastfeeding groups and such to meet weekly and share advice. Maybe you can do something like that?
Also, there is Al-Anon for family members of alcholics and drug addicts. This was brought about because so many family members had their own issues dealing with their spouses addictions.

Here's the national link to find one in your area if you are interested:
That's an excellent point Michelle, and that can be helpful in many ways!
Posted By: Jen.L Re: I am jealous that he goes to meetings! - 02/17/08 04:34 AM
I always think about going to AL-Anon, but only went as a Teen (my Dad used to drink very excessivly) BUT I have to agree that joining a weekly group that I will have something in common w/ the other is a good idea (not just an alcoholic husband :-P

Thanks for reading and posting!
Jen, First of all, kudos to your husband for 6 years sobriety and to you also for giving him the support that he feels comfortable going to meetings. The fact that you have a new baby says that you are probably both in the right place. I am not sure that you will get what you need from Al-Anon (although that is always a good idea) than you will get from a new mom's group. Talking about an addiction is healthy but it sounds that you need something healthy just for you and your baby. Your husband is doing what he can to get well and you must be well also. So, find those mommy groups, share your experiences with your husband, honor his commitment to his meetings and just be important to each other!

Kathy L.
12 Step Recovery Editor
I do agree completely with Kathy that if you have a new baby probably your main support would work best if it was baby-related. That way you could get lots of discussion and help with the baby care smile
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